Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A few morsels for the masses

I know I've been gone a long time and I have no excuses. I've been spending a lot of energy trying to sabotage my career by running my mouth. It's too bad that I didn't have the foresight to use my blog as a place to voice my opinions instead of the "inboxes" of my superiors. Such is life. I enjoyed the Rangers game on Opening Day, have made yet another trip to First Mondays in Canton, TX, and am convinced that the Vikings are hatching the ultimate plan to secure the Number One draft pick in 2007. Those guys are always up to something.

That's right, folks. A nice photo of the new Minnesota Vikings head coach.....Brad Childress. If only they made purple and gold Tums....I'm going to need them.


lisa said...

this is the new Vikes coach? Yikes! He looks like one of the simon & simon guys. Anybody remember them?
Not that good coaches can be found in good looks.
oh well. you know they did make ketchup purple for awhile. I bet we can find purple and gold tums--maybe grape and lemon flavors?

Anonymous said...

lisa, Simon & Simon-exactly who i thought that actually was.
akid, there are other options to get out of a job that is no longer satisfying (for whatever reason) then to sabatoge yourself. pick your battles wisely my friend.
if i had a million dollars...

akid said...

I'm not unsatisfied with my job, it's just complicated sometimes. You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. That kind of thing.

if I had $337.60 (that's with tax)......

lisa said...

actually i do have $337.60. i'm happy to spend it on anonymous. tell me the date and I will book it.

lisa said...

by the way, for those curious readers, anonymous is a good friend whose next visit is long overdue; apparently she thought it would cost her a million dollars to come visit.
and ALSO--I have searched the web for picture of brad childress where he doesn't look like gerald mcraney (the simon & simon guy). there are no pictures where he doesn't look like him. but childress is 48 and mcraney is 58 and childress was born in aurora, il and mcraney was born in collins, MS and childress went to eastern illinois and mcraney went to Ole Miss. So even though they look like the same person, they aren't.

Steve said...

1. Did you guys go to the Rangers game on Opening Day?
2. What is First Mondays?

As for da Vikes . . . I am not convinced tha they are coming up with the ultimate plan you describe.

I am a curious reader and I appreciate knowing a few more tantalizing details about anonymous's identity.

akid said...

We did attend the Rangers home opener.

There is a link to First Mondays on my previous's a flea market type thing with new junk and old junk.

anonymous has not always been anonymous.

ervierto said...

Gerald Mcraney? Ridiculous! Clearly this is John Locke off of Lost. He even comes with the creepy inside the hatch coloring.

Maria Jose said...

Why is he blue? is it something in the Minnesota water?

akid said...

I think he is blue because he is holding his breath...waiting for Randy Moss to come back.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!