Thursday, July 20, 2006

Top 10 Things I Learned On My Vacation to Orlando

1. Don't fly AirTran. Ever. Anywhere.
2. If you have ideas of taking over planes or other terroristic activity, your best bet is to do it via the Atlanta Airport.
3. Gulf water beats Atlantic water anyday.
4. I am a skater/surfer boy trapped in a lesbian's body as evidenced by my sheer joy when milling about Ron Jon's Surf Shop. I felt so at home.
5. Pack extra underwear. swimsuit, regular clothes, swimsuit, regular clothes. shower, shower, shower. It's amazing the number of undergarments needed on a beach vacation.
6. Disney Schmisney. Who needs it. We steered clear and did just fine.
7. There is something supremely relaxing about aerial views.
8. Adventurous eating is easier while on vacation. Some of the places we ate at, I would have never ventured into if they were here in the Metroplex.
9. Not every beach is a "Girls Gone Wild" video waiting to happen.
10. The grass is not always greener on the other side.


Compromise Till Death said...

Hey mylissa. I agree with you on every point.

The only thing I think you might have forgotten on the list, but was a fixing to put it in, was- were sunglasses.

I went blind on the Florida white beach near Tampa and had to look through my fingers to get back to the car.

It was like snow blindness.

Once in the Army I went snow blind and had to wear a piece of cardboard on my face with a very small slit cut in it for my eyes to see through.

Even the most innocent and beautiful things can turn on you and become Brutaaal!

rnr said...

I was with Loco in Florida when we both were blinded by the whitest whitest sand I have ever imagined. We had taken a picnic and blanket, etc., to spend the afternoon, and had to run back to the car before we even reached the water.

I find it best to steer clear of obvious tourist attractions. When I had OJT in Tampa for 6 weeks, the other members in our group talked us into going to Disney World - forgettable.

I find it very interesting that a nonswimmer would love to surf (is that correct?) You couldn't drag me into that experience.

rnr said...

Published a long comment on your movie awards post. I am telling you that here in case you would like to read it and don't look back at previous posts.

By the way "Da" to my knowledge the comma NEVER goes outside the period (er, I mean the quotes). If I'm wrong about this, please let me know, but I'll never believe it unless you give me a citation that is NOT MS Word. MS Word will try to correct things that are already correct in too many instances, e.g., they think all words that begin with non are hyphenated, which is absolutely incorrect. Only those which are capitalized contain the hyphen.

rnr said...

Did they lose your luggage or was it worse? AirTran lost my luggage on a trip to visit Jen in L.A. and I didn't get it back until the day before I came home. I complained so loudly and persistently that they upgraded me to 1st class for the return, first time ever I flew that way, and it sure was nice. I wish I had never had the experience, 'cause now I always wish for it.

ervierto said...

Welcome back! I think I like Atlantic water better, though. It seems cooler. The Gulf seems more bathish. Though, I confess, I don't really remember getting into the Atlantic or the Pacific, though I know I have done both.

Compromise Till Death said...

I remember sitting off Nags Head one morning a little before sun up.
As I thought about the wonders of nature an amazing thing happened: the waves started lighting up and I believe it was a greenish color.
They were similar to neon lights and I was thrilled. I had seen it, I had seen something, I had experienced something wonderful and beautiful. I left Nags Head that morning, revived and recharged, happy with my secret and comfortable in the knowledge that I am just a very small animal.

Compromise Till Death said...

Mylilla, "I" have had the worst airline experience and the worst motel experience, so I believe I can understand how hard it may have been for you to keep your fangs from growing and your claws withdrawn.

The one train ride wasn't so bad, except it took three days to go from Abilene,Tx to Colo Spgs, Colo. That was because we had to be re-routed around a blizzard of the century. We ran out of meal tickets and didn't have anything to eat for two days. When we got off, it was 30 below zero and we were dressed for Texas and had to ride 20 miles to the Army processing center in an open 2 1/2 ton Army truck. When we got off the truck and assigned a building I was immediately pulled out of line and sent to the big chow hall where I spent 12 hours under a potato peeling machine to keep the drain open with a stick. So I guess it was the first of about ten to twenty times in the Army that I went over 72 hours without eating anything - but an occasional potato peeling, or bug, or worm, berry, raw corn from some farmers patch, watermellon from a farmers patch, food that fell off the shelf into my pocket in Europe and so on.

Once we were on a long range patrol in Ft. Bragg and hadn't had anything to eat for about a week when we encountered a redneck stealing govt. wood. We asked him if he was going in to a store for lunch and of course he was eager to please us so I got my men together and we came up with a total of 30 dollars. We told him to buy three dollars in bread and the rest in cheap beer. He came back in about an hour and we were all happy and helped him load his wood.

lisa said...

our airline experience was far worse than being without luggage or delayed or anything. it was the type of thing that might end a more "passionate" fellow in the brig, if you know what i mean. just a big fat lot of bad customer service, long lines, bureaucratic double speak and inane blaming.
and akid hasn't been surfing, she just likes the fashion.
: )

Compromise Till Death said...

I think I'll post my worst experience on my blog site.

Anonymous said...

you think you're an enigma? what about that aerial photo? I am not relaxed.

Compromise Till Death said...

Not enigma, ze DeVinci code. What aerial photo? Is it the one where a bunch of snakes are coming out the plane or a bunch of "snake eaters?" Relax and remember: "Pop goes a weasel."